With more than 30 years of experience in the Disability Employment Sector, AXIS Employment leads the way when it comes to providing quality service for both Job Seekers and Employers. Our Mission Statement encapsulates our commitment to provide a caring, responsive and individualised service to our Job Seekers:
“To inspire and empower people through employment”
AXIS Employment offers 2 streams of Disability Employment Services, Employment Support Services (ESS) and Disability Management Services (DMS)
The ESS program assists Job Seekers who have a permanent disability, illness or injury to find work in the open employment market. Specialised support is provided at all stages, from job searching, preparing for interviews to follow ups once employment has commenced and maintaining contact with both you and your employer as you work.
Our DMS program is similar to the ESS program however here we work with Job Seekers whose disability, illness or injury is not considered permanent and while support is still provided to help you find a job, the level of continued support is less.
AXIS Employment works with other services to give our Job Seekers the best chance of achieving quality, sustainable employment outcomes.
AXIS Emloyment operate both the DES-ESS and DES-DMS program in Horsham, Ballarat, Bendigo, Mildura, Swan Hill, Mount Gambier, Warrnambool and Portland.