High Quality Service
AXIS Employment has a proven formula for successfully meeting the recruitment and employment needs of businesses.
Our Disability Employment Service focuses on the abilities of Job Seekers, their training and up-skilling potential and employment readiness.
AXIS Employment helps Employers access Government funded financial support and incentives including workplace modifications, technology and disability awareness training.

Benefits of employing people with disability
One in five Australians lives with a disability. This includes those living with mental health conditions.
People with disabilities or diagnosed illnesses can bring a range of talents, skills and abilities to the workplace. Many people with disabilities or health barriers hold senior managerial positions or are tertiary or trade-qualified. In all areas of the workforce, people with disabilities can be successful, including traineeships and apprenticeships. People with disabilities are employed across many occupations.
In a business sense, they often take less sick leave and have lower absenteeism than other employees. An Australian Government review found that workers with disabilities are no more likely to be injured at work than other employees.*
Principal of Employment
The principles of employment are the same for people with disability as those for people without disability. The important factor is whether the person has the skills and ability to do the job. However, employing someone with disability can benefit employers by:
Building Staff morale and teamwork
Increasing customer service and loyalty
Attracting and building a strong workforce
*References: Australian Bureau of Statistics 2003, Disability, Ageing and Carers: Summary of Findings, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra; Graffam, J, Shinkfield, A, Smith, K, and Polzin, U 2002, ‘Employer benefits and costs of employing a person with a disability’, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, vol. 17, pp. 251-263.